is a viral worth watching
Big Fish Eating Small Fish
Accounts, People, Miscellany -
The George P. Johnson Company, Auburn Hills, Mich., acquired Juxt Interactive, Newport Beach, Calif., an interactive marketing and design agency. Financial terms were not disclosed. Juxt will become a division of Johnson.
Everything is Generational
Teenagers’ Internet Socializing Not a Bad Thing -
“It may look as though kids are wasting a lot of time hanging out with new media, whether it’s on MySpace or sending instant messages,” said Mizuko Ito, lead researcher on the study, “Living and Learning With New Media.” “But their participation is giving them the technological skills and literacy they need to succeed in the contemporary world. They’re learning how to get along with others, how to manage a public identity, how to create a home page.”
New theme for this blog: Generational change and the Boomer Bias against Millennials.
To wit, this article reveals that young peoples' online habits may actually be a positive socializing force, not a one-way ticket to idiocy as often exhorted by over 40 somethings who, btw, were raised with eyeballs locked to the "idiot box."
Post-Election Cyber-Activism Takes Off
CREDO Action
CREDO Mobile Action is a network of activists utilizing the power, convenience and speed of mobile phones to make social change. When urgent actions arise, members of CREDO Mobile Action are text-messaged with simple actions that can be taken immediately to help ensure progressive change.
This is an interesting twist in the social media phenomenon. CREDO asks people to sign up for mobile alerts. It's so, so simple. And potentially very powerful. I'm signing up and I'll report back on what transpires.
Gen X Presents Challenges, eMarketer Says
According to U.S. Census Bureau statistics, 83.8 million people were in the 25-44-year-old Generation X age bracket as of July 2007. Gen Xers are in their peak years of product and service consumption and its members view electronic media as a primary tool for conducting research and accomplishing tasks.
Hold on a sec: Look at the bar that says "44-62" ... that's almost a third of all US Internet users. That just about kills the old "young adult male early adopter" myth.
Digital OOH Gets Traction
Advertising - Like a Billboard, but, Oh, So Sleek -

It's taken too long for digital signage to take off. Now it appears that members of the industry are taking matters into their own hands to jump start the space -- waiting for free market demand to accumulate is futile.

It's taken too long for digital signage to take off. Now it appears that members of the industry are taking matters into their own hands to jump start the space -- waiting for free market demand to accumulate is futile.
Qwitter: Catching Twitter quitters
Qwitter: Catching Twitter quitters
This is just funny. Smart, too. Enter your twitter account and email address, then Qwitter tattles on anyone who stops following you.
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Labels: social media, social networking, twitter
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