ReplayTV PC Edition DVR | Home
Back from the scrap heap ... ReplayTV lost the first wave of DVR market dominance, but has officially re-launched as an IPTV service that records and plays all your favorite shows via your PC. Exactly how this works ... I'll get back to you. But that hasn't stopped the digerati from hacking the system already!
- The ReplyTV Hacking Project
- Wikipedia entry for ReplayTV
"MatrixStream Technologies Inc. is a company that has developed complete turnkey IPTV (Internet Protocol Television) and Video-On-Demand (VOD) internet solutions. MatrixStream has developed an end-to-end system that will revolutionize the way people watch TV, movies and videos using patent-pending XMS streaming and MatrixCast™ technology over any any 'best effort' IP broadband network, including the public Internet."
The auto industry has come a long, long way from "Roger & Me." Ford has launched a self-produced documentary series exclusively online that promises to tell the company's story and current predicament without corporate varnish and gloss. If Episode One is any indication, it's going to be quite a series.
In addition, the site is purposefully blogger friendly with "blog it" icons to embed the video, "permalink," RSS and video feeds, user registration and "Point vs. Counterpoint" discussion features.
Bold Moves indeed. Ford is stepping out here. Management is showing leadership and ... guts ... by putting this stuff out there like this. And they may reap rewards. (Now let's see if they can also sell some cars.)
- More at Adrants
- Ford Bold Moves Homepage
Rovion: "Rovion's patent-pending inPersonTM technology enables web sites to come alive with highly compelling and literally out-of-the-box streaming video messages... leading to increased response rates, recognition, retention and revenues.
inPerson is ideal for advertising, promotion, direct response, e-learning and many other applications. "
MIT Advertising Lab: future of advertising and advertising technology: Cannes Lions Direct 2006: "Cannes Lions awards for direct ads are in and I think this category is where you can find some of the most innovative stuff. Below are my three most favorite pieces." - The Social Net Catches More and More: "Can 51 million people be a fad? The executives at News Corp. and MySpace certainly hope not.
Last month, MySpace racked up visits from 51.4 million unique visitors in the US, according to comScore Media Metrix. That represents 30% of the entire US Internet population and doesn't include traffic from international markets, where MySpace is making an ever bigger push. MySpace was the seventh most visited site on the Internet last month."
GE One Second Theater
Since commercials contain 30 frames per second, GE's spots contain a one-second spot within the spot that's really a slide show visible when replayed via slow motion. Very crafty. Great idea. Well executed.
- Also posted on MIT's AdverLab blog
Broadband Broadens, Reaches 72% Of Users - 06/23/2006: "HOME BROADBAND ADOPTION SURGED LAST year, with 72 percent of Web users now connecting from high-speed lines--up from 57 percent one year ago, according to new data from Nielsen//NetRatings. The company pegged the total number of home broadband users at 102.5 million as of last month, while the ranks of dial-up subscribers dwindled to 40.3 million." / Companies / Media & internet - YouTube ‘bigger than MTV’ for advertisers: "But successful future campaigns would need to imitate viral content - so-called because of its rapid spread online - by being easy to consume repeatedly and to forward on, said Mark Tutssel, worldwide chief creative officer at Leo Burnett.
Advertisers would also have to invite consumer interaction, by allowing people to create their own commercials and comment, even negatively, on brands, Mr Tutssel said."
Gypsy Cab Project
Crispin Porter Bogusky is at it again ... now they're documenting the story of an NYC cab driver who's never been to NYC. He's driving a VW, of course. It's running two weeks only. (Every Web site should have an expiration date.)
indieclick: " INDIECLICK represents the best of online music, community, blog, culture, gossip, gamer, comic, college and entertainment communities. We work with advertisers and agencies to deliver relevant and targeted messaging to our discerning audience of more than twenty-eight million 16-34 year old “Influencers” and tastemakers.
INDIECLICK provides advertisers and agencies with the ability to speak to the elusive and desirable audience of early adopters who generate word-of-mouth and multi-media viral effects when their interest is obtained."
Samsung Electronics launches new ultra-slim phones - Yahoo! News: "Samsung unveiled the X820 ultra-slim candy-bar phone with 2-mega pixel camera that just weighs 66 grams and measures 6.9 milimeters thick. This is slimmer than Motorola's (NYSE:MOT - news) RAZR, which is about half an inch or 14 milimeters thick."
Eyespot in the mix with legal video mash-ups - Yahoo! News: "Consumers are remixing videos by several emerging bands, then posting the mash-ups online at Eyespot to share with the world. What makes this site different from others is that here the art form is legal.
Eyespot is designed so that anyone can upload, edit, mix and share almost all formats of digital media without needing to download software or pay a fee.
Blimp company produces 'TV in the sky' - Yahoo! News:
Note: This company has been posted here before; see the Archive. The news here is they've received FAA approval to operate.
"An Orlando-based blimp company called The Lightship Group ... recently received Federal Aviation Administration approval for its new A-170 lightship, an enormous blimp that doesn't just say 'Goodyear' or 'Coca-Cola' on the side, but instead flashes their newest commercials, NFL football highlights, movie trailers or whatever else a company wants to put on its 70-by-30-foot LED screen."
DSL strikes a chord with frugal shoppers | CNET "According to a recent report published by Leichtman Research Group, about 21 percent of households earning an annual income of between $30,000 and $75,000 a year subscribe to DSL. About 18 percent of these households subscribe to cable. By contrast, 37 percent of all households with annual household incomes over $75,000 subscribe to cable broadband and 27 percent subscribe to DSL."
Apparel brand gets 'Second Life' | | CNET "The retailer, which has 80 locations nationwide, is adding one more. As soon as this weekend, it will open a store on a private island in the virtual world of 'Second Life,' Mark Wallace said in a blog Thursday.
The 'Second Life' metaverse is inhabited by more than 200,000 people and has a marketplace that supports millions of U.S. dollars in monthly transactions. "
This rate is 10 times the current top speed of Internet2's Abilene backbone, but it's only the beginning.
Under the multiyear agreement, Level 3 will provide dedicated facilities for multiple 10-Gbps connections. The Consortium has said that it has plans to scale up the backbone to as much as 800 Gbps over time." - Video iPod cracks the Rockies lineup - Jun 16, 2006: "Three hours before a start against Florida, Colorado Rockies pitcher Jason Jennings sits in front of his locker, puts on his headphones and stares at his video iPod.
He isn't watching the latest Coldplay video or catching up on an episode of 'Alias' as a way to relax before the game.
Jennings is doing some last-minute cramming: The Rockies' video staff has downloaded every Marlins hitter into his iPod, and Jennings is figuring out how to pitch to them. "
Seven In 10 Online Mothers Visit Community Sites - 06/16/2006: "MORE THAN 32 MILLION U.S. women with children under the age of 18 use the Web, with many visiting social networking sites, according to a new report by research company eMarketer. The report, 'Moms Online: Parenting With Web 2.0,' concluded that online mothers, more than other demographic groups, seek online communities. Citing data provided by comScore, eMarketer reported that the vast majority of online mothers--70 percent--visit community sites."
eMarketer Article
The way it works is that a small piece of decoding programming—about 85K worth—is embedded into the handset.
When a customer approaches select marketing or promotional material, the customer can use the phone's camera to capture an image of a two-dimensional smartcode, which launches the phone's browser and takes it to a specific page."
Pligg Beta: "Pligg is Web 2.0 Content Management System (CMS) unlike any other existing CMS. Pligg's Web 2.0 user interface gives your visitors a reason to come back to your site by making them decide on the site's content and giving them the chance to social network. By giving users the ability to collaboratively submit and dismiss articles, you are offering an experience that users are happy to take part in on a daily basis."
Music Gremlin Hands-On - Yahoo! News: "Every user of the MusicGremlin service appears in your 'My Community' menu and you can then pick and choose songs from folks who may or may not have the same music taste. "
Students find ring tone adults can't hear - Yahoo! News: "Some students are downloading a ring tone off the Internet that is too high-pitched to be heard by most adults. With it, high schoolers can receive text message alerts on their cell phones without the teacher knowing."
Next ... we need to create advertising that adults can't kill. (Purposefully ambiguous comment warning.)
MediaPost Publications - BlueLithium Adds Video To Network - 06/13/2006: "ONLINE AD NETWORK BLUELITHIUM TODAY will launch behaviorally targeted video ads on its stable of 1,200 sites around the Web. The new service, 'AdRoll,' aims to bring more affordable streaming video ads to lower-budget advertisers.
'One problem advertisers are having is the ability to get a lot of high-quality streaming video at a good price,' said Dakota Sullivan, BlueLithium's chief marketing officer. 'We're solving that problem for advertisers by aggregating and negotiating all the content up front and making it available as one big buy.'"
Web audiences get something to talk about: Green vs. Maher - Yahoo! News: "Two well-known talk-show names are going head-to-head starting next week with original, high quality, Web-only TV-type shows. Talk shows, specifically."
File this one under: Temporary Trend
Apple surpasses beer on college campuses - CNN
Nearly three quarters, or 73 percent, of 1,200 students surveyed said iPods were "in" -- more than any other item in a list that also included text messaging, bar hopping and downloading music.
In the year-ago study, only 59 percent of students named the iPod as "in," putting the gadget well below alcohol-related activities.
This year, drinking beer and, a social networking Web site, were tied for second most popular, with 71 percent of the students identifying them as "in."
TiVo Teams with Brightcove to Offer Web Video on TV: "'Over time, TVs are going to be networked to the Internet,' predicted Adam Berrey, VP of marketing and strategy at Brightcove, which distributes Internet video on behalf of content providers and enables ads in that content. 'We saw an opportunity to work with TiVo because they already have in place the boxes in the living rooms that are connected to TV sets.'"
Advertising Age - Web Joins TV, Radio as Dominant Pure Reach Vehicle: "Today the Web reaches just over 60% of people for about two hours a day; 10 years ago it reached 10% for less than an hour. TV, by contrast, reaches 90% of people for more than four hours."
Google and startups mimic Wikipedia model - MarketWatch: "But the ultimate goal these companies are trying to achieve remains the same: to help people find useful information by encouraging a world of packrats and information gatherers to get organized enough so that what they end up leaving for others to see is knowledge rather than noise."
If Miller Light can take a viral video off the internet and turn it into a TV spot ( ), it might be Diet Coke's turn to do so as well.
- (guest author) Dave
Monitoring Mailbox Conduct: How to Apply Behavioral Targeting to Email Marketing
WARNING: Wonkie trope about list management ahead.
Web 2.0 Has Corporate America Spinning
What every CEO needs to know about the array of new tools that foster online collaboration -- and could revolutionize business
Virgin Mobile introduces ad-subsidized calls
"Under the offer, customers of Virgin, a venture of Sprint Nextel (S.N: Quote, Profile, Research) and Richard Branson's Virgin (VA.UL: Quote, Profile, Research), can get up to 75 minutes of free calls per month if they spend an equal amount of time looking at ads and replying to these ads via text messages."
Meow Mix House
Perhaps we're taking this online "reality" show thing a bit far, but ... Going live on 6/12/06 is the Meow Mix House, in which a group of formerly stray cats compete for the love, affection and votes of consumers who'll be voting for their favorites. The site promises you'll "catch all the action on our 24/7 meowcam."