Successive Eras of Business Computing 101
To meet the computing needs of 16,300 employees and contractors at Genentech Inc., Pierce took a chance and decided not to rely entirely on business software from Microsoft, IBM or another long-established supplier that would have let Genentech own the technology. Instead, Pierce decided to rent these indispensable products from Google Inc.
The Internet search and advertising leader will run Genentech's e-mail, as well as some word processing, spreadsheet and calendar applications, and it will do it over an online connection - an unconventional approach called "cloud computing."
The dawn of the Cloud Computing Era is upon us. Finally. But we need to be mindful of from whence we came. Simplified, the succession of business computing periods can be described thusly:
1. Mainframe Era - Deployment from "smart" main computer to "dumb" clients
2. Client Server Era - Deployment from smart, nimble servers to smart desktops running Windows
3. Distributed Network Era - Deployment of computing power and applications functionality over the Internet (hint: we're living in this one)
4. Cloud Computing Era - Deployment of computing power via vast server farms and applications functionality "in the cloud" accessible by smart, portable client-side devices that are themselves interconnected, interoperable and interchangable (4G phones, for example)
We'll get to how this affects advertising in another post. Stay tuned.
Publishing Flames Out - Advertisers Slumber ...
His fault, the sap, was acquiring and editing good books. The sort of books that might actually make a modest difference in the universe but will be read by no less modest audiences -- too modest for flailing, failing publishing conglomerates.
Look at These Viral Numbers from AdAge

Book of Tens: Digital Predictions That Didn't Pan Out - Advertising Age - Print Edition
The gaffe-filled interview, which exposed Palin's lack of expertise in foreign policy, became a viral phenomenon and likely the single most damaging blow to the McCain campaign.
2. 'WASSUP 2008'
The web-production studio 60Frames reassembled the cast of the original Budweiser ad for a pro-Obama spoof that went viral.
The McCain campaign's most successful viral ad asked whether there is substance behind Obama's celebrity.
Among the biggest viral ads of the year, the video tapped into at least four disparate groups of enthusiasts: the "Is it real?" crowd, Kobe Bryant fans, Aston Martin fans and Nike basketball-shoe fans.
The band gamed the YouTube generation by casting some of its biggest "stars" in a music video.
An NYPD officer was caught on tape brutalizing a Critical Mass biker. The cop was reassigned to desk duty pending investigation.
Though critically panned, Microsoft's ads with Jerry Seinfeld and Bill Gates generated conversation and racked up impressive viewing on the web.
One ad-agency couple, a handicam, a "Wii Fit," and a deplorable trend is born.
This brilliant PSA for Transport for London encouraged motorists to start seeing cyclists.
A video from the 1970s of the reunion of a wild lion with the men who raised it got well over 30 million views 30 years after the incident was filmed.
Vindication ... er ... Self-Vindication?!
The aspiring viral video from Saatchi & Saatchi, New York, for JCPenney is four minutes and 45 seconds of sloppy, profligate storytelling.
I haven't grown an ego and headcase so outsized to believe my own opinions about everything. As such, when I was showing this work to colleagues at the office last week, I kept saying, "I like this, but it's too darned long." It's gratifying to read Bob Garfield's take on the work. Now I know I'm not blowing smoke up my own chimney.
Meta-blogging about social media (kudos to Scubachris)
Let’s get social
Posted by Chris under Advertising, Chicago, Community, Conference, Google, Social Networking, Twitter
Last week Google, at their Chicago office, hosted an afternoon event on social marketing along with a rawkstar party later that evening.
The event featured two keynote speakers: Jeremiah Owyang, Sr. Analyst Forrester and Paula Drum, VP, marketing, H&R Block. It was great to meet both of them as I’d spoken with them via phone, email and twitter but not met face to face. Both of their presentations were great, as expected.
Prior to Jeremiah’s presentation he sent a tweet that I’d be tweeting the presentation and thanks to Mrs. Naslund’s Freshman typing my typing speed allowed me to keep followers up to date. Interestingly his one tweet added about 30 followers, again showing the power of social networking.
Dick Costello, that’s right of Feedburner hosted a panel discussion, which unfortunately I couldn’t stay for however you can catch the photos of the even here (thanks Kate for posting on Picasso). And in addition to the photo’s Google has also posted PDF’s of the presentation which are here as well.
If you want to see the archive of tweets from the presentations they are here, but you’ll have to go back a few pages as well.
Testimonial to TV's Future
Most Americans still watch shows primarily on their televisions. I’ll concede that point to Mr. Wurtzel. But there is much to suggest that watching shows online is more than just a passing fancy. The Internet has proved to be an excellent promotional vehicle. NBC says 7 out of 10 viewers were spurred to watch some shows on television only after sampling them first online. At ABC, 8 percent of viewers they track — or about one out of every 12 people — watch network shows solely online.
Gee I wish I could go to this ...

Planet Bluegrass - Colorado Music Festivals
2009 festival tickets go on sale at 9am MST on Wednesday, December 10. We will again be offering special holiday-priced festival passes (a $30 discount) while they last. As always, we charge no handling or shipping fees of any kind. Order your tickets and camping at or 800-624-2422 / 303-823-0848.
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Duh ... Coupon Use Soars in Downturn
What's not said here is that under 30-year-olds -- the so-called Millennials -- have been trending upward for several years in their willingness to use coupons. (They also open direct mail more than Xers and Boomers.)
So ... our clients all say they want to reach the "coveted 18-34" demographic. Wake up, friends. They're all Millennials now!
Beware of the Doghouse
JC Penney has been producing ambitious interactive campaigns for the past year. Here's the holiday 2009 effort. It's funny. Long. Very long. But funny.
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Good, Solid Experiential Markeitng - That'a Way ...
In the Windy City this month, frozen commuters and holiday shoppers will be treated to heated bus shelters and samples of Stove Top's new Quick Cups instant stuffing, courtesy of Kraft Foods.
In what the Glenview, Ill.-based company is calling a national advertising first, Stove Top Stuffing will heat 10 bus shelters at high-traffic locations during the first three weeks of December.
The effort is part of a larger, integrated campaign that includes print ads in more than 50 bus shelters.
"Stove Top Stuffing is all about warming up families with hot, delicious meals when the temperatures drop," said brand manager Ellen Thompson in a release, "and we wanted a stand-out way to demonstrate this to consumers this holiday season."
A Blog About Digitalism By PR Agency Edelman
Every agency needs a blog. It's the only way to differentiate one's point of view versus all the lookalike, soundalike, workalike agencies out there. Clients don't know what makes them different. Honestly, they don't.

YouTube - Nokia N96 - Bruce Lee Ping Pong
Here is the brilliant Nokia viral video depicting Bruce Lee playing table tennis using nunchucks.
This and the post directly below are related ...
According to the convergence panel, the heaviest users of the Internet are also among the heaviest viewers of television: the top fifth of Internet users spend more than 250 minutes per day watching television, compared to 220 minutes of television viewing by people who do not use the Internet at all.
Nielsen found that the reverse is true as well - the lowest consumers of television have the lowest usage levels for the Internet.
What Took 'Em So Long To Figure This Out?!
Seeking to dispel the perception that online usage is rapidly overtaking traditional TV viewing, the two top researchers from Walt Disney Co.'s ESPN unit Wednesday unveiled the results of some new research indicating that multi-platform media usage is not a "zero sum" game, but is actually adding incremental impressions and new opportunities for people to consume media content - and for advertisers to reach them - in different places, and at different times. While that may not seem like a remarkable epiphany, the executives also showed that TV usage continues to grow, not decline, amid the expansion of online and mobile video platforms, and that there still is relatively little concurrent usage of those platforms. Most of it is incremental or additive and Bulgrin said ESPN has internally dubbed the phenomenon as "new markets of time."
Citing a famous prediction by MIT Media Lab founder Nicholas Negroponte that use of the Internet would have overtaken TV viewership by now, ESPN's chief research executive Artie Bulgrin told attendees at an MPG Collaborative Alliance meeting in New York that was anything but the case.
"What's really happening here, is that the people who are using both is increasing," Bulgrin's ESPN colleague Glenn Enoch echoed. "That's where we are really seeing the increases. And the people who are only using TV, is shrinking down."
Social Media Not Holding Up to Surveys of Brand Managers
In a recent online survey of brand managers, more than half of those responding declared themselves not interested in social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook. The poll, conducted in late October by GfK Roper for Epsilon, a leading marketing consultancy, found that only 35 percent of the marketers surveyed had any interest in using such sites. Blogs drew an almost equally tepid response.
Another study, this one by the research firm IDC, suggested their lack of enthusiasm might be well-placed. More and more users are spending more and more time on social networking sites, but the study found they aren't very responsive to ads there: Clickthrough rates were reported to be far lower than at other sites. On the web in general, nearly 80 percent of users clicked on at least one ad in the past year; on social networking sites, fewer than 60 percent did so.
Location-based advertising: Place trumps traditional targeting

Location-based advertising: Place trumps traditional targeting | The Industry Standard
"It's no secret that online advertising is starting to slow down in response to the economic slump. Display ads, the meat and potatoes for companies like Yahoo, have been hit especially hard. So for companies looking to squeeze every dollar out of their digital ads, it might be time to abandon traditional content and behavioral targeting strategies in favor of a relatively new concept -- location-based advertising."
A Phaser Beam in the Foot
Sometimes jumping on the techie bandwagon makes the darned thing backfire. Let\'s take for example CNN\'s election night hologram technology. Over at CNET, columnist Don Rensigner called the CNN hologram \"dumb.\" Yes, Don. It was. These examples of tech overreach have an adverse effect on the advertising community as well. We\'re well aware that all forms of marketing communication are being transformed by interactive media, ideas and experiences. But to embrace this wave of transformation -- after having been burned by the fallout of the dot-com bust earlier this decade -- we need to remain focused on the best and most compelling means, methods and media for delivering interactive experiences. When we see missteps such as CNN\'s glitchy hologram (really, R2D2\'s projector looked better), we\'re reminded that new media technologies and the vast array of emerging platforms carry risks. However, there are an unprecedented number of very real, very tested and very excellent interactive/emerging platforms technologies in the marketplace right now. They\'ve never been more available and cost-effective. And they\'re only getting cheaper and easier to manage. We need to be motivated to embrace them and recommend brilliant new ideas that use them to our clients. CNN deserves kudos for their hologram experiment. But their embarrassing misfire reminds us that exercising good judgement is a key component of the value we bring to our clients\' businesses.
Reposted from Draftfcblog -
MIT Convergence Culture Consortium: Archives - Futures of Entertainment
This viral video is a parody of how viral videos go viral.