What Took 'Em So Long To Figure This Out?!

MediaPost Publications - ESPN Unveils Online Vs. TV Scores, Finds It's No 'Zero Sum' Game - 12/04/2008
Seeking to dispel the perception that online usage is rapidly overtaking traditional TV viewing, the two top researchers from Walt Disney Co.'s ESPN unit Wednesday unveiled the results of some new research indicating that multi-platform media usage is not a "zero sum" game, but is actually adding incremental impressions and new opportunities for people to consume media content - and for advertisers to reach them - in different places, and at different times. While that may not seem like a remarkable epiphany, the executives also showed that TV usage continues to grow, not decline, amid the expansion of online and mobile video platforms, and that there still is relatively little concurrent usage of those platforms. Most of it is incremental or additive and Bulgrin said ESPN has internally dubbed the phenomenon as "new markets of time."

Citing a famous prediction by MIT Media Lab founder Nicholas Negroponte that use of the Internet would have overtaken TV viewership by now, ESPN's chief research executive Artie Bulgrin told attendees at an MPG Collaborative Alliance meeting in New York that was anything but the case.

"What's really happening here, is that the people who are using both is increasing," Bulgrin's ESPN colleague Glenn Enoch echoed. "That's where we are really seeing the increases. And the people who are only using TV, is shrinking down."

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