This is not good ...

'Crossover' readers spend time with a newspaper's print and online platforms, something advertisers should address, according to the NNN.

Advertising Age - MediaWorks - Most Newspaper Readers Look at Both Web and Print

"The vast majority of people who regularly visit newspaper websites also still read the print edition of the paper, according to new research funded by the Newspaper National Network and conducted by Scarborough."

Here's why this is bad: Newspaper readership is tanking. And if only two out of ten online readers are NEW consumers, then there's no growth.


  1. Anonymous2:03 PM

    I have some questions about the original article, the big one being what is the NNN definition of "people who visited a newspaper site ." Does this include peopel who read their news in the form of a news reader, or story aggregator?

    And my second question is, is readership tanking, or are rates tanking?

  2. Anonymous2:04 PM

    I'd like to fix my misspelling of "people" in that last comment

  3. Readership of newspapers is tanking based on circulation figures, not just subscriptions. Metrics are measured by the Audit Bureau of Circulations ( and has been for decades. Overall circ and readership of newspapers has been steadily declining since the 1980s. The Internet is simply accelerating the inevitable.

  4. As for reading news via readers versus "visiting a site", I can only assume it means actually loading a site page in a browser window.
